American flag flying in front of a government building

Politics and Law Major

Every aspect of your life is influenced by politics. It directly impacts the financial, social, and physical well-being of individuals and nations, and the responsibility of politics is critical in our ever-changing world. If you want to make a meaningful difference at home or around the globe, consider a degree in politics and law.

As a politics and law major you’ll learn how governments operate and interact, the impact government policies have on economic stability and growth, and how laws affect real social and political change. Your studies will expose you to a diverse set of courses with themes that will prepare you to successfully compete in the global economy and pursue a range of career opportunities including:

  • Law
  • Government
  • Public administration
  • Public budgeting and analysis
  • Political campaigns
  • Political communications
  • Business and economics
  • Journalism
  • Nonprofit management
  • Education
  • Research
  • Law enforcement
  • Military

Guided by professors dedicated to your success, you’ll explore contemporary global and cross-cultural issues, themes, and challenges in depth. You'll acquire comprehensive knowledge of how governments operate and interact, the impact of government policies on economic stability and growth, and how laws affect social and political change.

You’ll graduate fully prepared to step into your role as a leader and have a real impact on the world.

Select the track that meets your career aspirations

Pre-Law and Juris Doctor Dual-Degree Program

Our Pre-Law track is ideal for students interested in pursuing law school. It’ll prepare you to achieve a competitive score on the Law School Admission Test (LSAT) and provide the foundational knowledge and skills necessary for success in law school.

Eligible students in this track can take part in our unique 3+3 agreement with Marquette University Law School (Milwaukee, WI). This program allows you to earn a bachelor’s degree and a Juris Doctor degree in just six years, one year earlier than typical!

Explore the Juris Doctor Dual-Degree Program

Politics and Government

Our Politics and Government track is designed for students interested in careers related to politics and law. You’ll study a diverse set of courses on legal, governmental, political, ethical, economic, social, and theological themes, all of which help to prepare you for your professional goals.

Participate in our Mock Trial Team

Our Mock Trial Team, part of the college’s Pre-Law Society, competes at various regional competitions.

As an example, in 2019 they competed at the American Mock Trial Association (AMTA) regional competition. The 22-team competition was held at the DuPage County (Illinois) Courthouse. WLC’s team competed in four, three-hour long trials, two as attorneys and witnesses for the plaintiff and two as the defense. At the event, our students earned the 2019 “Spirit of AMTA”Award, given to the team that best exemplifies the ideals of honesty, civility, and fair play.

Join Phi Delta Phi

As a politics and law major, you may be eligible for membership in Phi Delta Phi, which is the international pre-law honor society.

Make an impact as a distinctive Christian citizen

Within our politics and law program, you'll be exposed to a wide array of ideas, perspectives, and content knowledge from all types of academic disciplines (e.g., natural sciences and mathematics, arts and humanities, social and behavioral sciences). In doing so, you’ll develop the essential skills necessary for carrying out your role as a citizen within a democratic society: logical reasoning and analysis, oral and written communications, argumentation, and rhetoric. Most importantly, it affords you the opportunity to apply the concepts of Christian virtue and Christian citizenship in all facets of your life, heeding Christ’s call to “love thy neighbor.”

You'll graduate prepared to serve your fellow neighbors in your vocational role as citizen in your hometown or around the world.

Advising Resources

Connect with Politics and Law Faculty

Jason Badura
Jason Badura Politics and Law Associate Professor 414.443.8773